Paris F&B City Pocket Map PL69CP

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Paris in a series of handy pocket street plans from Freytag & Berndt. Each map is laminated, so waterproof and tear-resistant, and highlights the publishers’ recommendations of five best choices in five categories: shopping, restaurants and cafes, culture, nightlife and sights. On one side is an indexed street plan annotated with colour-coded markers highlighting the publishers’ recommendations, all listed on the reverse of the map with brief notes in several languages. In larger cities the plans cover only the central districts. Also provided are a small road map of the city’s environs, if appropriate a diagram of the metro network, and a Fact Box with phone numbers for tourist offices, car hire and emergency services. Map legend and notes on the recommendations include English. To see other titles in this series please click on the series link.
More Information
Weight 50.000000
Availability IP
Department France
Format Folded Waterproof Map
ISBN 9783707921793
Publisher Freytag-Berndt und Artaria KG
Reference PL69CP
Scale 1:11,000
Section French Maps
Size Folded 9x15cm
Size Unfolded 45x82cm
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